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12096 Batanai Street, Zengeza 4, Chitungwiza (027021) 31850/31038

Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

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  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

A five (5) bedded unit which is well equipped with modern machinery which include multiparametre monitors, life support units and defibrillators.

What we do
Provide comprehensive quality care to critically ill patients whose prognosis is good and whose recovery can be achieved at the earliest possible time. Quality nursing care is rendered by qualified intensive care nurses. Nurse to patient ratio is very good.
24/hr availability of intensive care doctor to deliver service.

Who is it for?
ICU services are for all critically ill adults and children.
It is located in the heart of Chitungwiza Central Hospital as you go to the Stores Department.

How to contact us
Call the hospital at 0270-31138/31850 or and ask for extension 2111-4.